55 Plus Ministry

The 55+ Ministry at First Baptist is vitally important to who we are as a church. Our goal is to challenge those that are in the “Second Half” of life to make it their best half. With age comes seasoning.  Some in the 55+ Ministry are approaching 60 and are lightly seasoned, while others have transitioned from careers in the workforce. However, the second half of life should be a time of “ReFirement” not retirement! At First Baptist Church, we seek to encourage "seasoned" adults to find out what God wants them to be doing in their “Second Half” and then help equip them to do it. The 55+ Ministry is designed to encourage serving in a variety of ways, whether it is providing food or clothing to the less fortunate in our community, or spending time with those who are homebound. Our 55+ Ministry actively gives a tangible touch of Jesus’ love to those we come in contact with.   Senior adults are all about making a difference for God in our world - in the second and “Best Half of Life”!

