Opportunity To Serve

II Corinthians 8:3-5 (NIV)

For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently
pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they
gave themselves first to the LORD and then to us in keeping with God's will.


At First Baptist Church, Berkley

As First Baptist Church, Berkley continues to grow and expand; you will find that the ministries of our church are quite comprehensive. We want to make certain that every member and family in our congregation experiences the love and support of the whole church. Get involved and find your niche as soon as you can.


Worship is our collective expression of adoration, reverence, and love for God. We recognize that worship services are often the first contact non-Christians or new believers have with First Baptist. We commit that our worship activities will be meaningful to all levels of spiritual inquiry and maturity. We invite people to respond to the gospel with praise, prayer, and life change through creative and relevant worship.


Altar Prayer Ministry
Audio Ministry
Drama Ministry
Greeters (Hospitality) Ministry
Liturgical Dance Ministry
Musicians and Choirs
Video & Lights Ministry

Fellowship is our gathering together as friends and family in Christ to encourage, share, and enjoy one another. Fellowship activities at First Baptist are designed to enable members and non-members who regularly attend to develop stronger bonds of friendship. We support and guide each other with grace and honesty on the journey of faith in Jesus Christ.

Care Givers Ministry
Congregational Care (sick & shut in, widows)
Cyclists For Christ
Deaconess Ministry
Deacon Ministry
55+ Ministry
Health Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Men’s Ministry
OIC Ministry
Special Events
Uniquely Gifted Ministry
Women’s Ministry


Discipleship is the process of developing spiritual maturity through Bible reading, classes, seminars, and personal time with God. Discipleship activities will help prepare anyone who is serious about his or her Christian faith to grow up in Christ. We endeavor to show an understanding, commitment, and growth that bears spiritual fruit reflective of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.


Small Groups
Bible Study (Pastor’s)
Discipleship Classes
Leadership Institute
New Member Orientation
Vacation Bible School

A Biblical definition of stewardship is “having dominion over the works of God.” The definition of stewardship can be broken down into four components: time, talent, temple, and treasure. God has given us our life and our time to manage as part of us being His steward. The definition of stewardship includes caring for all things that God has given us. This includes our bodies. The definition of stewardship also includes the making use of the talents and abilities that God had given us. As God’s chosen representatives, His stewards, God has also given us material things to faithfully administer for His glory.


Culinary Ministry
Facilities MGMT
Finance Ministry
Parking Ministry
Scholarship Ministry

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
This ministry will help you replace the hesitancy and apprehension of “going with excitement and zeal”. Evangelism is a gift that all believers have. Participation in this ministry will help you learn to share your faith in Jesus Christ with others and thereby become a Great Commissioned Christian. Realize that people will get saved because of your obedience. You will learn to share your faith in a wide variety of situations with family, friends, and/or strangers in ten minutes or less. Experience the joy of seeing people pray to receive Christ as Savior. You will also learn to teach other believers to share their faith.


Angel Tree
Celebrate Recovery
Child Evangelism Fellowship -- CEF/CES
Media (web, viewer, facebook)

Our youth ministry at the First Baptist Church, Berkley, exists to reach non-believing students, to connect with fellow Christians, and to help each other study God's Word, serve God's Work, and celebrate God's Love. We accomplish this by pursuing and reflecting the five purposes of the church that were commanded by Jesus Christ in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22: 37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20) - evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and worship. Our goal is to reach all youth, nurture them through meaningful relationships, and equip them to become disciples of Jesus Christ.


Children & Youth Worship Ministries
Career Achievers Promoting Accomplishment By Learning Example (CAPABLE)
Fit Bodies and Minds (FiBAM)
Praise Dance Ministry
Inspirations Of Joy

Expressions of Praise
Youth Choir
Youth On A Mission (YOAM)
